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As I mentioned in my earlier message, I would like to contribute one of my guides on crypto-backed loans to your blog. I used to work for a payday loan company in the UK and so I have quite a good knowledge of the financial lending sector. I decided to write this guide because I feel that cryptocurrency will have a major impact on the payday loan industry in the next 5 to 10 years. I have tried to be as detailed as possible so you will find that the guide is fairly lengthy. Perhaps it would be a good idea for you to split it up into several blog posts or do as you see fit.
I am terribly sorry but I did not have much time to find royalty free images. One company that I contacted whilst doing research and collecting references for this guide did give me permission to publish on of their banners that I have included in the g-drive folder.
The entire guide is saved in a Word document inside my Google drive which you can access via this link
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As I mentioned in my earlier message, I would like to contribute one of my guides on crypto-backed loans to your blog. I used to work for a payday loan company in the UK and so I have quite a good knowledge of the financial lending sector. I decided to write this guide because I feel that cryptocurrency will have a major impact on the payday loan industry in the next 5 to 10 years. I have tried to be as detailed as possible so you will find that the guide is fairly lengthy. Perhaps it would be a good idea for you to split it up into several blog posts or do as you see fit.
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The entire guide is saved in a Word document inside my Google drive which you can access via this link
I hope your readers will enjoy reading my guide.
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As I mentioned in my earlier message, I would like to contribute one of my guides on crypto-backed loans to your blog. I used to work for a payday loan company in the UK and so I have quite a good knowledge of the financial lending sector. I decided to write this guide because I feel that cryptocurrency will have a major impact on the payday loan industry in the next 5 to 10 years. I have tried to be as detailed as possible so you will find that the guide is fairly lengthy. Perhaps it would be a good idea for you to split it up into several blog posts or do as you see fit.
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The entire guide is saved in a Word document inside my Google drive which you can access via this link
I hope your readers will enjoy reading my guide.
I would be most grateful if you could send me a link to the guide once you have published it!
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